A Publication of the Georgia Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Fall, 2001
Kim’s Korner
By Kim Robinson

Get Involved with GMATYC

As I approach my final time as GMATYC President, I reflect fondly on my experiences over the past 3 years. While this position requires a reasonable amount of time and effort, the payoff for me has been worth it. In GMATYC, we are fortunate to have members of great character, both personally and professionally.  It has been my pleasure working with the Board, committee members, and interacting with other members about GMATYC issues. In the future, someone may approach you and ask you to be nominated for President, Secretary, Treasurer, or the Nominating Committee.  I ask you to consider this request as a compliment and an honor.  I also encourage you to say yes.   GMATYC is a strong, growing organization because of YOUR membership. We continue to evolve and expand based on the leadership and personalities of those who volunteer to step forward and contribute their time, thoughts, and ideas.  If GMATYC is to continue to grow and adapt to ever-changing educational goals and expectations, the organization needs input from a wide variety of its membership.  In addition, I believe you will personally feel a stronger bond with other members and have a more substantial stake in the continued growth of this group.  So next time someone asks you to get involved, say YES! You’ll be glad you did.

Voting Results In

Change to Bylaws

During the annual business meeting in February of 2001, membership in attendance approved putting two By- Laws issues to an official vote.  Ballots sent electronically to the membership have been counted and both changes were approved.   Therefore, the By-Laws now officially read, “The nominating committee shall select a slate of nominees with at least onecandidate for each office to be filled. Each year the nominating committee will also submit at least two candidates for the two vacant positions on the succeeding nominating committee.  Nominations and self-nominations must be received by a member of the nominating committee no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting.  These ballots are to be returned to the nominating committee at least one week prior to the annual meeting.  The Chair of the nominating committee is responsible for the mailing and tabulation of the ballots.  All correspondence may be done electronically.”  To read the complete bylaws of GMATYC, please visit our website at

Rotation of Annual Business Meeting

Results of Opinion Survey
With respect to moving the GMATYC business meeting and consolidating GPC Conference with either Valdosta State or Columbus, the results are in.  Thanks to all thirty GMATYC members who submitted ballots. 
“Would you be in favor of rotating the GMATYC annual business meeting between the conferences at GPC, Columbus State and Valdosta?" 
22 Yes        8 No
“If the GPC Conference began rotating annual sites with Columbus State and Valdosta in order to have one, larger math conference in Feburary each year, would you attend?”
In Atlanta

29 Yes

1 No

0 Abstained
In Columbus 20 Yes 7 No 3 Abstained
In Valdosta 21 Yes 6 No 3 Abstained
“Would you attend more or less if the conference moved around the state?” 
More 7
Less 11
The Same 12
Several people offered suggestions or comments (not all comments cited here).  One wrote, “I am in favor and I will attend regardless of its location IF travel money exists.”  Another submitted, “Combining the conferences would strengthen them, allowing the one annual conference to offer a better variety of sessions.”  Someone else elaborated further and wrote, “I think that GMATYC could gain strength as a statewide organization if the business meeting were rotated.  Meeting with GPC is most convenient for GPC faculty, reasonably convenient for faculty in the metro Atlanta area, but not as convenient for those in other parts of the state.   Making it convenient could encourage initial involvement from those in other areas; once people are involved, they will make more of an effort to attend meetings.”  There were no comments from those who voted against any of the options.  However, one clear pattern emerged.  All but one who voted against rotating the business meeting, also voted against consolidating the conferences (either abstained or voted no to CSU and VSU).  Your Board will review this information and discuss the next step.  Updates will be announced at the GMATYC meeting in February at GPC, Dunwoody Campus.
15th Annual GPC Mathematics Conference and 2002 Annual GMATYC Meeting

We look forward to holding GMATYC’s next business meeting at the 15th Annual Mathematics Conference, Georgia Perimeter College, Dunwoody Campus, February 8-9, 2002.  Mark your calendars now to attend both the conference and the business meeting.  This year’s opening address will be delivered by John Hornsby, accomplished speaker and author of over fifty mathematics textbooks.  Workshops on the program this year include Investigating the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Rectangle, Using Computer Software to Allow Students to Duplicate the Lecture Experience, Publishing Math on the Web: What Are the Best Solutions?, Coping With Math Anxiety in College: Strategies for SuccessApplications of Mathematica in the Teaching of Mathematics,   Algebra for the Preservice Teacher, and Customizing your Course.  The conference committee invites you to spend Friday’s rush hour at the conference dinner and GMATYC meeting - - guaranteed to be out by 7:15 pm! For more information about the 2002 Conference at GPC, visit the conference website at
A Reminder from AMATYC
It is through the recognition of our best practitioners that we emphasize the importance of what each of us does, the importance of our profession, and professional goals to which we all aspire.  Members are strongly encouraged to identify a colleague, or themselves, that they know to be an outstanding teacher and work with that individual to put together a complete nomination packet together.  The Mathematics Excellence Award (ME Award) is intended for educators who have made outstanding contributions to mathematics or mathematics education at the two-year college. ME award recipients are recognized in even-numbered years. Deadline for the 2002 Award is November 1, 2001.  The Teaching Excellence Award (TE Award) is intended for educators who have made outstanding teaching contributions to mathematics or mathematics education at a two-year college. TE Awardees are honored in odd-numbered years.  For more information, visit
New Officers Take Over in February
After the annual business meeting in February, Gloria Hitchcock will assume responsibilities as President.She’ll begin the job with a new secretary and treasurer that are yet to be determined.If you have nominations for either of these positions, please contact someone on the nominating committee.The deadline for submitting nominations to the committee is early December.Those elected will be announced durng GMATYC’s annual meeting scheduled to coincide the GPC Conference.

BJ Cooley of Gainesville College scored the highest of any student representing a Georgia College in AMATYC’s annual Student Mathematics League Contest.BJ received a plaque and the first $200 cash award from GMATYC.
Special Thanks and Acknowledgment
Last year, the GMATYC membership approved the purchase of the domain name,  Sallie Paschal was the original webmaster and designer of this site.Sandee House has taken over as publications manager now that Sallie is serving GPC as the Assistant Dean of Academic and Administrative Services of Rockdale Center.Thanks again Sallie for over ten years of service to GMATYC and congratulations on your new position!

In Spring, 2001, AMATYC was awarded a three-year grant by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Program for the project titled “Teacher Preparation, Mathematics, and Technology: A National Dialogue.” The grant permits AMATYC to facilitate a nationwide dialogue about the nature of mathematics coursework for preservice teachers enrolled in two-year colleges. Grant activities during 2002 include four Regional Conferences and two Summer Institutes. 
AMATYC is pleased to announce that the first Regional Conference on Teacher Preparation will be at a hotel nearby the Dunwoody Campus of Georgia Perimeter College on February 9, 2002 in conjunction with the annual Georgia Perimeter College Conference.It will include activities designed to:
  1. Highlight the role of the community college in teacher preparation.
  2. Focus on national and local standards for teacher preparation.
  3. Highlight regional activities in teacher preparation.
  4. Provide support for teams to create action plans.
The grant will cover expenses while attending the Teacher Preparation Regional Conference (registration, one night’s lodging, and food) for up to 60 participants.Priority will be given to teams of attendees such as two community college colleagues, a two-year/four-year college collaboration, two colleagues from different departments (math/science, math/technology, etc.), and instructor/administrator team, or a full time/adjunct team.
For up-to-date information, including how to register for the Regional Conference on Teacher Preparation, follow the “Teacher Preparation Grant” link from the AMATYC website,

2001 GMATYC Business Meeting 
The 12th annual meeting of the Georgia Mathematical Association of Two Year Collegeswas held in Clarkston, Georgia, on Friday, February 9th, 2001 in conjunction with the GPC Mathematics Conference For complete minutes of this meeting, please visit
Upcoming Conferences
Oct. 18-20, 2001, Rock Eagle, Eatonton, GA, Georgia Mathematics Conference
November 1 - 4, 2001, Baltimore, MD, 14th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
November 15-18, 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 27th Annual Conference of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges
January 6-9, 2002, San Diego, CA, Joint Mathematics Meetings
February 8-9, 2002, Dunwoody, GA, 15th Annual Georgia Perimeter College Mathematics Conference
February 22, 2002, Valdosta State University 7th Annual Mathematics Technology Conference
March 8-10, 2002, Atlanta, GA, 2002, Spring Southeastern Section Meetings
March 15-17, 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 14th Annual International T3 Conference
April 21-24, 2002, Las Vegas, NV, 80th Annual Meeting, 
Oct 31-Nov 3, 2002, Orlando, FL, 15th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
November 9-10, 2002, Orlando, FL, 2002, Fall Southeastern Section Meeting
November 14–17, 2002, Phoenix, Arizona, 28th Annual Conference
January 15-18, 2003, Baltimore, MD, Joint Mathematics Meetings
March 7-9, 2003, Nashville, TN,  15th International Conference
March 14-16, 2003 Baton Rouge, LA, Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting
April 9-12, 2003, 81st Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX

Kim Robinson, President, Clayton College and State University
Gloria Hitchcock, President-Elect, Georgia Perimeter College, Rockdale Center
Donna Saye, Secretary, Georgia Southern University
Stephanie Holcomb, Treasurer, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Sandee House, Publications, Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston

Nominating Committee (Elected) Membership Committee (Appointed)
Pat Zrolka, GPC, Chair (2002)
Kathy Simons. Valdosta State(2002)
Tom Wheeler, Ga Southwestern (2002)
Beryl Boyd, GPC(2002)
Ann Hardy, GPC (2003)
Jan Scott, East Georgia(2003)
Alice Pierce, GPC (2003)
Jean Millen, GPC(2003)
Gina Reed, Gainesville College(2004)
Kitt Lumley, Columbus State(2004)

Check out the GMATYC official web site at